Fried Green Tomatoes ending / spoiler
In Ninny Threadgoode's stories, The Georgia court declares Idgie and Big George innocent for the murder of Frank Bennett. Ruth dies, and Idgie relizes that Ruth was her best friend. Back in real life, Evelyn Couch decides to let Ninny Threadgoode move in with her and her husband, after Ninny's house in the town of Whistlestop was destroyed. Evelyn discovers that Ninny is in fact Idgie, and has been telling Evelyn the story of her own life.-Actually that isnt true. It is very confusing and for ten years i finally read the book and discover among several other things that Ninny is in fact who she says she is and Idgie is still alive.
Who did Ninny Threadgoode say she married?
-Idgie's brother Cleo. I've watched the movie so many times and I never saw who Cleo was. But that's who she said she married.
No, I don't think so either. Ninny and Mrs Threadegoode were the same person. Ninny is the old lady in the nursing home that befriends Evelyn. Then Ninny/Mrs Threadegoode dies and when Evelyn goes to visit her grave, she finds everyone else's grave, including Ruth's. She finds fresh flowers on Ruth's grave. This would make you think that Idgie is still alive. Then the author flashes to a roadside stand run by a very old woman in overalls who sells honey. This is Idgie. confuse things a little, at the very end of the book, I found out that Idgie was the person who was throwing stuff off the train. Throughout the whole book, I thought it was Grady. Usually I can't remember the names of characters in the books I read, but I remember these names.
Was the movie any good, other than being confusing about Idgie and Ninny?
by Coralie on Monday July 07, @01:02PM
I just re-watched the movie (one of my favorites) and would like to clarify that, true to the book, Grady is married to Glays in the movie, as well.
Although he spends the first part of the movie trying to win Idgie over, I guess he eventually gives up. Just before the KKK attacks the cafe, Idgie is sitting inside asking Grady how Gladys feels about him staying out to all hours gambling. I don't think we ever see her, but she does exist.
As for Idgie and Ninny being the same person, that is deffinitely alluded to in the movie and I didn't like it. I know the author was active in the production and I'm really surprised she allowed that. As mentioned previously, Idgie never grows out of her penchant for boys clothes and is mistaken for an old man in her overalls selling honey.
I think implying that she grows into Ninny is destructive to her character and confusing to the audience. When you think about it, how could Mrs. Threadgoode, wife of Cleo Threadgoode, have been Idgie, sister of Cleo and Buddy Threadgoode in her youth?
Just my two cents.
by ArcticGringo on Sunday December 21, @11:46AM
I have only a month ago discovered the joys of the movie Fried Green Tomatoes, and immediately fell in love. Upon viewing the film, I went out and bought the book and read it in two days. I have since watched the movie four more times in a few weeks. In terms of Idgie being Ninny, the movie does seem to allude to it, however the book makes it clear that they are two separate people, atleast in my opinion. And about the relationship between Idgie and Ruth, I think that you could interpret the relationship in any way you want. I can definitely feel the homosexual vibes some might pick up on, however I do not feel that Idgie and Ruth were lovers. I believe that two women can love each other and be in love without being lovers. To me, for there to be a homosexual relationship, there would have to be a physical intimacy which was never spoken of in the book nor alluded to in the movie, in my opinion.
by SEC on Monday November 29, @10:14PM
I like the fact that they allude that Ninny and Idgie are the same person -- it leaves a puzzle for us to figure out and talk about.. is she or isn't she?
About being Mrs. Cleo Threadgood -- I always thought that in the movie it could have been deception on her part. Idgie liked to play games and take on different identities (Towanda) to represent different feelings, and perhaps Ninny was just a new identity (in the movie).
Not that I really believe that Ninny is Idgie -- but it's just fun to play with the possibility.
by Susen on Sunday March 27, @11:43AM
It is definite in the movie, to me at least, that it is being alluded to that Ninny is Idgie. However, if you remember, Ninny says that people will stay alive as long as you remember them - so it is possible that she leaves the honey from the bee charmer in order to have Idgie remembered, and therefore live forever. She says that the most important thing is friends, and that her friends will live forever as long as the Kathy Bates character remembers them. I need to read the book, since I have not done that, and the book is almost always better than the movie. I also picked up that while not lesbian lovers, Idgie and Ruth were a couple as much as any couple ever, due to their love for each other, and their devotion, and their commitment - and so, as far as I am concerned, they win over any physical commitment that anyone else can lay a claim to.
by Judy on Sunday June 04, @02:45PM
I don't intend to be confrontational but there was never a doubt in my mind that Ruth and Idgie were lovers and that the author intended them to be seen as such. It is strongly implied that Idgie had a sexual relationship with another woman whose name I don't recall but who was once close to Buddy. There are several instances in the book were Ruth and Idgie's relationship is fairly cleary defined. I don't have my copy of the book on hand or I would cite the chapters and pages. It is a wonderful book for many reasons, not just for their relationship, but that relationship does exist and was ignored enough in the movie.
by Christie on Tuesday June 06, @01:38PM
First of all, the original script-writer wanted to make Idgie and Ninny the same person, but Fannie Flagg vetoed that and re-wrote the script to contradict his changes to her story. Ninny says very clearly that she married Idgie's brother, and that line was added for a reason (it's true to the book, and it removes the question of her being Idgie.) -- There's nothing in the movie that remains to make any sane, observant person think Ninny is Idgie, except that she happens to be in the cemetery where there's some honey at Ruth's grave. When would frail old grieving Ninny have gotten this honey, and where did she get the jar? HER HOUSE IS GONE. There's also no moment where Ninny acts ANYTHING like Idgie. Not once.
Next, the implication in the book AND movie is that Ruth and Idgie are IN LOVE, in the romantic sense. If you can't see this in the way they look at each other, the way they touch each other, the way that Idgie assumes the butch role and Ruth assumes the ladylike role, then you're in serious denial. Idgie is, for all intents and purposes, Stump's father figure. Idgie NEVER accepts the advances of any male suitors. She's always in male clothes. She's established EARLY ON as being UNHAPPY in girl's clothes. Best friends do not caress each other. Besides, the director himself said in the commentary that the food fight was symbolic lovemaking. And how could you even deny that Idgie presents the honey to Ruth, and Ruth quite metaphorically dips her fingers in Idgie's honeypot?!?!
I understand some people want and NEED this to be a story about platonic, straight friends for it to fit within their world view, but no amount of rationalizing changes the intention of the author, director, and actors. This is a story about two women who are IN LOVE. Not just BFFs. If you need a platonic best friends movie, I suggest "Beaches".
You can pretend all you want, or "interpret" it your way, but it really boils down to denial of something that is just as beautiful, but not nearly as well-accepted.
by WKW on Saturday August 11, @09:14PM
The book is VERY clear that Ruth and Idgie were romantic partners -for example, calling little Buddy "Ruth and Idgie's child". (BTW the natural depiction of lesbian lovers is characteristic of Flagg's novels). In the movie, this relationship is underplayed, I suppose in a move to avoid controversy.
The book is also VERY clear that Ninny and Idgie are two separate people. I don't know why the scriptwriters changed the ending to blur this distinction. In the movie, Ninny seems to suggest that she MIGHT Be Idgie, perhaps because she thinks this is what Evelyn wants to believe.
Other than the "Is Ninny Idgie?" confusion, the movie is true to the spirit of the novel, even considering other more minor discrepancies
(including changes in the time sequence; for example, in the the book, the trial happens AFTER Ruth has been dead for quite a while).
by Bek on Sunday July 20, @06:14PM
I haven't read the book yet, but I will tell you that the movie implies at the end that Idgie and Ninny are the same person. Some have said that Ninny doesn't act like Idgie. Well, think about what Ruth says to Idgie before she dies. She tells her to settle down and get married if she can find anybody that can beat her at poker. So, if we want to believe that Ninny is Idgie, we might say she is doing what Ruth wanted her to do. Didn't she usually do what Ruth really wanted? Also, if you notice, Ninny is wearing funky colored socks and high top converse tennis shoes. With this, you would think she was keeping true a part of Idgie. Also, when she lets the student hair stylist dye her hair purple, that would be a daring thing that Idgie would do, since she was always wild and trying new things. As far as Idgie and Ruth being lovers, well you would just have to be some uptight straight person to think that the movie did not allude to the subtle hints of lesbianism between those two. The kiss at the lake, and the way Idgie looked at Ruth when she kissed her. The honey scene. The food fight. The way Idgie didn't want to go to Ruth's wedding but watched from a distance. When they were in the cafe and Idgie tells Ruth that she doesn't want her to go, and that she is as settled as she ever wants to be. When Ruth is dying and she says there is so many things I want to say to you. It is all there in little hints. That is what makes the movie so good. You don't have to have things thrown into your face to know they are present.
Back to Ninny being Idgie, in the movie it says that Ninny was married to Cleo Threadgood which leaves us to believe that she and Idgie are two separate people. However, in her room you will see a picture of Ruth on her nightstand. You do not see a picture of Cleo her husband anywhere. In my opinion, the movie will suggest that Ninny is Idgie telling of a time when she herself was a different person, living in a different era. Idgie, would have then took on the persona of Ninny and changed her identity to tell the story the way that Evelyn could understand it without asking too many personal questions of Idgie. Thus, telling the story as an observer rather than a participant. This I find evident since she never mentions how she comes to know about all the personal details of Ruth and Idgie. She never once says, I was there, I saw them do this or that. Nor does the movie show Ninny in any of the scenes as it does everyone else. You could say she was told all those things, but she doesn't say in the movie this is what was told to me by Idgie or Ruth. The only time she mentions anything being told to her was about how Sepsie killed Frank Bennett. The movie is great, it is my all time favorite. I will read the book very soon. I just want to add to the person who made the remark about it being "the deep south", well, I am from the deep south. Never have I ever heard of anyone marrying their brother or their sister. People of the south have very rich heritages, and have a lot to be proud of. There is good and bad in every culture. I am proud of my southern roots. If you don't understand the love of simple pleasures of smelling peach blossoms or honeysuckle vines. The taste of pecan pie, bbq, and fried green tomatoes. A stroll down the red clay dirt roads after a summer rain. The friendly howdys from neighbors, then yes, you are a yankee to be pittied.
by Debra Doyle on Sunday December 28, @06:50PM
I am watching the film now, Evelyn and Mrs Threadgood are standing at the grave side at the end of the film with the honey pot. Evelyn has just stated as they discover the honey she looks over to Mrs T and says "Idgy, Idgy is alive" Mrs T looks at her and states yes she is still wandering around out there" Evlyn states Maybe we will see her today to which Mrs T replies "Maybe" they walk off both reassured they both know who they and what they are talking about. It is obvious Mrs T/Ninny is Idgy watch the film again. It's also obvious that Idgy has a romantic intention towards Ruth and Ruth does love Idgy but nothing suggest it is romantic she states time and time again that if she wasnt around then Idgy could move on, also there is nothing to suggest that they were lovers and involved in the phisical sence. Putting your hand in a jar of honey is not sexual I soppose it can be if you need it to be (this was suggusted ealier)In anycase to suggust that the physical act of sex had taken place in the movie is just mad because the film does not suggust this. Debbie does De De might be a better film for you to watch.
by Martin on Sunday March 01, @06:12PM